Childhood Cancer Service Projects

New or handmade blankets/throws for infants & children fighting cancer or other illnesses. Suggested sizes: Baby size – 36″ x 36″; crib size – 40″ x 60″; lap size 36″ x 48″; throw size – 50″ x 60″. All measurements are approximate. All blanket styles are welcome, inluding quilts, tied comforters, fleece blankets, crocheted or knitted afghans. They must be made from easy to care for, washable soft yarns or fabrics, and be comforting to the touch. No thick batting in quilts, no embellishments such as buttons, and please NO WOOL.

Hats, caps, scarves, PJ'S
New hats, caps, head scarves, or PJ’s for infants and youth. Hats, caps and scarves should be made from soft yarn or fabrics that are washable and easy to care for. PJ sizes: infant to youth.
**This pattern is available for free at: www.ravelry.com.
(Click below)

Pop tabs
Pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House. Funds generated from the Pop Tab Program help support Ronald McDonald House programs.
(We are not currently collecting pop tabs. Please check back later)

DG “That’s What It’s All About” t-shirts. Womens/Mens sizes S-XXXL (4XL special order) in white/black. Preorders taken. Proceeds from t-shirt sales will be donated to hospitals or agencies specializing in treating or caring for children with cancer.
(T-shirts are no longer available)